
CENTRUM Development GmbH

Kaistr. 8b
D 40221 Düsseldorf

Phone: +49 (0) 211 38 54 78 0
Fax: +49 (0) 211 38 54 78 78

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The CENTRUM Development GmbH is centrally located in the Medienhafen (media harbour) in Düsseldorf. The area was constructed after being the focal point of one of the most remarkable urban development projects in all of Germany; transforming the area on the harbour in Düsseldorf into a district of office buildings and living quarters. This urban development project has provided Düsseldorf with an attractive advertising, art and media district, allowing the city to play a major role in European affairs. The district is once again home to a very wide range of building designs and architecture, which leave a lasting impression via their individuality and one of a kind character.